
Huawei Mate 40 series to launch on 22 October


FP TrendingOct 12, 2020 16:45:15 IST

Huawei Mate 40 lineup has been confirmed to launch on 22 October at 14:00 CEDT, which is 5.30 pm IST. This was announced by Huawei executive director, Richard Yu, in a Weibo post recently. Besides the poster revealed by Yu, a teaser clip for the Mate 40 series has also been released. The video hardly reveals any new detail as it only features an eye that closes and opens to reveal the launch date and time of the new line-up.

华为Mate 40系列已确认将于10月22日CEDT 14:00发布,即IST下午5:30。这是华为执行董事俞觉敏近日在微博上宣布的。除了俞敏洪透露的海报外,Mate 40系列的一个挑逗片段也已经发布。该视频几乎没有透露任何新的细节,因为它只是一个眼睛,关闭和开放,以揭示新的阵容的推出日期和时间。


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